Let’s feed 100 kids or MORE!!!!

You are welcome to still join us on Saturday, November 19th from 9:30 – 11 a.m. as we distribute food to those who have signed up but we are not taking anymore sponsors at this time.  If you would like to join us please plan to be at The Vine Church on Saturday, November 19th at 9:30 a.m. and participate in Loving God through Loving Others.

List of groceries:

$10 Publix gift card for meat
Boxed Potato Flakes/buds
2 Gravy packets
Large can of sweet potatoes
2 cans of green beans
1 Large can of fruit
box of stuffing mix
box of Mac and cheese
can of cranberry sauce
Dinner rolls

Here is a short video to introduce you to an opportunity we have to feed 100 kids for Thanksgiving.

Use this form to let us know you will be participating.

Nicaragua Mission Trip Info Meeting

On April 11th from 7-8 p.m. in the Kidzu Worship Room at The Vine Church there will be an information meeting regarding an upcoming Mission Trip to Nicaragua.  If you would like to learn more about being apart of this trip or if you would like to know more about the work being done in Nicaragua, please plan to attend.  The trip for this summer is planned for June 25 through July 2nd.

The cost is $225 (this includes food, room and board) plus airfare, which is running $450-$700 roundtrip.  Then $100 for spending but that depends on the person.
We will help you in raising funds for this trip, but you need to come to the meeting, gather information and pray about your decision to join the team.

Here is a link to the organization we are working with in Nicaragua.  Amigos for Christ is a 501©3 non profit founded in 1999. They have grown from a small youth group based mission to one that includes thousands of volunteers who are engineers, doctors, nurses, students, moms, dads, and much more.  Over the past few years The Vine Church has had a number of church members and attendees who have connected with Amigos for Christ and we would like to make everyone aware of this wonderful ministry.

Here is a video which will give you a look at the work and mission of Amigos for Christ.

Makeovers at The Garden

On March 13th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. we will be providing makeovers to the women and children at The Garden.  Not only will are we going to be doing hair, make-up, and nails but we are also going to be taking their pictures.  We have two professional photographers who have offered to provide their services so these families can have family portraits.

If you would like to get involved just mark this date on your calendar.  Then contact Jason through email: jason@connecttothevine.org and we will get you connected to a place to serve.

Regarding things you might do:

– come and hang with the kids or bring some coloring books and color / play games

– come and hand out with the ladies while they wait to have their pictures taken or wait to have their hair and nails done

– come paint nails

– dream about something you would like to add to the day

– just be there in case something is needed

– email Jason and start a conversation about what you might do

Lobby Day

Lobby Day at the State Capitol will be Feb. 1st this year, and The Vine Church is
one of the sponsors for that event. The goal is
to have 1000 people at the capitol that day speaking with one voice that
sexual exploitation of our children is not acceptable and will no longer be
tolerated in Georgia and hopefully throughout our nation. Please go to the
Street Grace website and register to be a part of this event. Georgia is
leading the nation in confronting and eradicating this evil. The children
being exploited don’t have a voice.  So let’s all lend them ours. Buses will
be provided (nearest pickup will be at the Hwy. 20 campus of 12 Stone
Church) both to and from the capitol. Please prayerfully consider making
your face one of the faces that is on the forefront of the fight to protect
our children.

This is a way we can help create REAL change for those who may need change the most!

Will you join us?

HELP needed ASAP!

The Vine Church is being called on to help a family who has experienced the death of a father / husband plus the loss of their home all in the last 2 weeks.  Below is an email from the principal of the school where one of the children of this family attend.  It’s time for us to HELP!

“We all worry about our kiddos when we leave for the holidays, so I really hate to have to share the news we have received.  A second grader has had a traumatic two weeks.  Her father passed away, her mother had surgery, and her family home was destroyed by fire.

Anna Kimelman has been working with the family and the Red Cross to help the family relocate.  For now they are staying at the Motel 6 – the Red Cross will pay for three days.  I have told the motel that we will see that the bill is paid through January 3.

Anna has also been able to secure some household items for the family, but I am sure there will be many needs.  If you know of church or community groups that can help, please feel free to forward this information.

There are 7 people in the family.  The sizes for clothes are listed below.  Again, please forward this information to anyone who may be able to help.

Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers…and take time to be thankful for the many blessings we have!


Age            Shirt               Pants        Shoes            Coat

19 F             XL                   14/16          9 m            XL
43 F            2x                     20             10 m             —
15 F             L                     13/14          8 m             L
16 M          men -XXL             40               —              men -XX L
17 M          men -XL               38              —-              men -XL
7 F          7/8                        7/8            12               —–
3 M          T3                         T3               8              T3
infantM      3-9 months           —               —              3-9 month

Let’s make this happen.  The Vine Church can make the difference.  Let’s start with the clothes.  There is a great need for clothes!  If you have gently used clothes in one of these sizes then bring it this Sunday, January 2nd to The Vine Church at 9:30 or 11 a.m.

I am working with the principal to get the motel room extended and give the family time to find a rental house they can afford.  Once housing is found then we will need household items.

Ready, set, go clean your clothes or go shopping for after Christmas sales!

Street Grace Meeting

Wednesday, August 18 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. (childcare provided)

Street Grace’s Excecutive Director, Cheryl Johnson, will lead The Vine in an educational session about how their ministry can help our church put an end to child sex trafficking.

No Reservation Required.

Help with Meals

Sometimes there are people who are not plugged into a Cluster Group and because of this can get missed in times of need. There are even times when The Vine has an opportunity to Love people who are not attending The Vine.  We learn of their need and then have an opportunity for those who do attend The Vine to respond.  If you are interested in helping fill the gap during these times through providing meals, please fill out the form below.

Use this form to help feed!

If you know of someone who is in a situation of need because of life or life’s circumstances, please fill out the form below.

Use this form to let us know about those in need!

It is so awesome to be apart of a church which enjoys Loving God through Loving Others.

Why Sarah needs a car

The statement which jumps out at me from this video is, “we just jump in the car”.  Sarah is talking about taking the boys home from the street to their family.  Please join the effort to replace her car which is no longer serviceable and let’s play a role in getting these boys back home where they belong.

After spending 10 days with Sarah back in October last year, I know just how important the car she drives is to the ministry there.  Only $5,000 is left to raise!  Decide how much you can give toward the transportation which allows little boys and young teenagers to go home to their moms and dads.





Here is the link for you to go online and give your tax deductible donation toward this ministry car.

Ministry Car Need for Sarah Olds (immediate need)

The following is taken from Sarah’s blog: Sarah-n-Africa

This is a huge request but I am in desperate need of a new car. The car I am currently driving has had lots of problems and has now broken down on me twice within the last couple of months while I’ve been 2 hours or more outside of the city. It’s no longer reliable. I also do not think it is wise to spend anymore money on fixing the problems. However, I also cannot be without a car as it is invaluable to my ministry among the street kids here in Maputo. My car is used for the shopping we do for Masana, the project I work with. We use my car for all of the visits to doctors and most importantly for reintegration. Each week, we are visiting families of the boys that have already returned home or are in the process of returning home. Without a car, this is not possible.

Unfortunately, cars in Mozambique are not cheap. The transmission in my current car has gone out again so I’m not even sure I can sale it to help towards the cost of a new car. I am thinking I will need at least $10,000 to purchase an SUV or truck that will serve the needs we have with Masana.

If you are able to give specifically towards a new vehicle, please send donations to the below address and mark the check “Masana – vehicle”. Checks can be make payable to Unveiled Faces and sent to:
Unveiled Faces
PMB #275
3400 E. Speedway Blvd. #118
Tucson, Arizona 85716-3960

You can also go to www.theunveiledfaces.org to give online.