Street Grace Meeting

Wednesday, August 18 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. (childcare provided)

Street Grace’s Excecutive Director, Cheryl Johnson, will lead The Vine in an educational session about how their ministry can help our church put an end to child sex trafficking.

No Reservation Required.

Help with Meals

Sometimes there are people who are not plugged into a Cluster Group and because of this can get missed in times of need. There are even times when The Vine has an opportunity to Love people who are not attending The Vine.  We learn of their need and then have an opportunity for those who do attend The Vine to respond.  If you are interested in helping fill the gap during these times through providing meals, please fill out the form below.

Use this form to help feed!

If you know of someone who is in a situation of need because of life or life’s circumstances, please fill out the form below.

Use this form to let us know about those in need!

It is so awesome to be apart of a church which enjoys Loving God through Loving Others.

Africa trip preview meeting

On Thursday, August 5th from 6:30 – 8 p.m. in the Kidzu worship room at The Vine we will have a preview meeting for our next trip to Maputo, Mozambique Africa. Please join us as the team who traveled to Africa back in October will be there to unpack their experience. We will talk about the upcoming trip planned for Feb. 2011 and have a time for questions.

If you have ever wondered why we support the ministry in Africa or what we do when we send a team to Africa, this is the meeting for you.

For any questions leading up to this meeting please leave a comment or email