Sphere of Influence

(cluster map above shows visitors to blog from Feb. ’09 – ’10.

cluster map in right column shows visitors since map reset )

Over the last year we have post a blog to keep people at The Vine informed about things going on in the area of outreach.  In this time we have also informed people from all over the world what we are doing at The Vine regarding Loving God through Loving Others.  It has been a call for people to “get off your donkey” and love those God loves so much.  It’s excited to look at the picture above and realize we not only get the opportunity to encourage one another.  We also get to encourage people all over the world to take their NEXT step towards getting out of their comfort zone and serving.

Have you taken your NEXT step toward Serving God through Serving Others?

Call to LOVE Haiti

Call to LOVE Haiti

Due Feb. 14th – 9:30 or 11

“For people who are feeling powerless in being able to help those in Haiti, providing health kits is a tangible way they can make an immediate difference,” said Kathy Kraiza, director of UMCOR’s relief supplies. She estimates that hundreds of thousands of kits will be needed in the days and months ahead.

The kits, valued at about $12 per kit, contain everything from towels and washcloths to sterile bandages and bar soap. They will be distributed to those who have been forced to leave their homes as a result of the recent disaster.

For individuals or groups that want to contribute basic necessities, UMCOR requests that the following NEW items be placed in a sealed one-gallon plastic bag.

  • 1 hand towel (15” x 25” up to 17” x 27”. No kitchen towels.
  • 1 washcloth
  • 1 comb (large and sturdy, not pocket-sized)
  • 1 nail file or fingernail clippers (no emery boards or toenail clippers)
  • 1 bath-size bar of soap (3 oz. and up)
  • 1 toothbrush (single brushes only in original wrapper, no child-size brushes)
  • 6 adhesive plastic strip sterile bandages
  • $1.00 to purchase toothpaste

(NOTE: Toothpaste is purchased in bulk to be added to health kits to ensure that the product does not expire before they are sent.)

Because the emergency kits are carefully planned to make them usable in the greatest number of situations and strict rules govern product entry into international countries, UMCOR requires that the kits contain only the requested items – nothing more.

Bring your kits to The Vine on Feb. 14th at one of the two morning services.  If you have any questions please contact jason@connecttothevine.org Can you invest $12 to help someone who has lost everything?

Immediate Need

We have an opportunity to meet an immediate need for a family in a situation we would never want to be in.

There is a family in our local community who were enjoying an evening together last week when their life changed forever. Dad was holding the 11 month old little girl while the 7 and 2 year old boys were playing on the floor. Mom and sister-in-law were across the room talking with dad when all of the sudden dad dropped the baby and fell to the floor. He would never get up again. Life has changed forever!

This is where we come in. The Vine has the opportunity to help fill the gap for this family as this mom tries to move forward with the “new normal”.

In an effort to help this family with immediate needs we are going to provide them with groceries. If you would like to get involved, then please provide enough groceries for 1 meal for a family of 5. The mom, sister-in-law, 7 year old boy, 2 year year old boy, and 11 month old girl. Bring the groceries to The Vine this Sunday, February 7th and drop it off at the cafe’. Please note we do not have cold storage space at The Vine so think of this when you are planning the groceries you will drop off at The Vine.

If we have 30 families from The Vine participate in this and provide groceries for 1 meal for this family then we can give them a months worth of groceries in one morning. We will save them money, show them love, and give them an opportunity to have less stress in such a stressful time.

groceries for 1 meal for a family of 5
brought to The Vine this Sunday, Feb. 7th 9:30 or 11
drop them off at the cafe’

Questions: jason@connecttothevine.org

Can you help a family with an IMMEDIATE NEED?