July 4th Serve Opportunity . . .

This year on the Fourth of July we have an awesome opportunity to serve our community.  In celebration of our country’s freedom, The City of Braselton will be hosting booths, a parade, several different bands and fireworks at dusk.

The Vine has rented a space and will be taking part in the booth time.  There will be over 20 different vendors setting up booths and selling an array of merchandise.  This year we have the privilege of being the only church to participate AND the only vendor who will be giving away, not selling, our items!

We’ll be setting up 3 different areas within our space.  In the first area people will be able to sign up for a giveaway, the second area will have free popcorn, and the third area will be an inflatable obstacle course for children.  This is an amazing chance for us to get out and serve our neighbors!

Here’s what we need from you: make some friends!  It’s that simple.  Our goal for taking part in these festivities is not to try and sell people on our church.  We simply want to get to know people and build friendships.  We want to earn the right to be heard. And hopefully one day we’ll have the honor of speaking Life into some of the very people we meet that day.

If that sounds like something you would like to do then let us know!  We’ll have the day split up into one hour intervals.  You can sign up to serve for one interval or several.  It’s totally up to you.  After you get done serving; stick around and enjoy the activities with your family!

Booth will be set up from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.  Click the “Fill out my form!” button to sign up online or go to Guest Services at The Vine facility.

Fill out my form!

One village at a time . . .

The Vine would like to let you know about an opportunity to serve His people in Central America.  July 4th through the 11th, two members of The Vine community will be traveling to Chinandega, Nicaragua to serve the poor with an organization called Amigos for Christ. Maggie Bowen and James Murphy will be assisting this organization with a clean water project and the construction of a new school building in a developing village. Through these labor projects, the Love of Christ will be shown to the Nicaraguans in word and deed.

In an effort to fight malnutrition and pour education in Nicaragua, Amigos for Christ attempts to feed almost 900 kids a day at several schools in the region. In doing so, they give each child multi-vitamins.  That works out to 180,000 multi-vitamins a year!  We’re challenging you to provide all these vitamins.  The Vine has set a lofty goal, but with the Lord’s help and dedication of the members and regular attendees, we believe this goal can be obtained.  We do serve a God who is Bigger than Malnutrition!!! Our God can help stomp-out Malnutrition one village at a time.

To learn more about the Amigos for Christ go to: http://www.amigosforchrist.org/

180,000 Vitamins!!!! With approximately 200 attendees at The Vine, if every person provided 900 vitamins we would reach our goal.
An idea of Vitamin Prices to consider…
·        300 count chewable children’s vitamins at Sam’s club approx. $10
·        200 count chewable children’s vitamin at Walmart approx. $12
·        180 count Animal parade multivitamins at
www.drugstore.com $16.49
·        150 count chewable Flintstone vitamins at
www.drugstone.com $17
Drugstore.com does free shipping for orders over $25.00
Amigos suggest the following when buying vitamins….

  • Children’s chewable multi-vitamin
  • Please no gummy vitamins…they melt in the hot Nicaraguan temperatures
  • Any brand name or generic
  • Packages must be unopened.
  • Expiration date of 2010 or later.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me…. ‘Truly I say to you, as you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me”. Matthew 25:35-40

Please call Maggie Bowen at 404-992-2088 or email her at Maggize21@bellsouth.net if you have any questions.

There is a box set up in the lobby at The Vine for you to drop off any donations for this project.  Where do you fit in with ending Malnutrition?

“Making Disciples Making Disciples” . . .

The mission of The Vine is “Making Disciples Making Disciples” . . . we seek to do this through connecting people with Jesus Christ and helping them grow in that relationship.  As each person grows in his or her personal relationship with Jesus Christ through Sunday morning worship gatherings and cluster groups, scripture tells us they should experience the joy of making disciples. It only makes sense considering it was the model of ministry Jesus used.

Jesus picked 12 disciples whom he spent 3 years pouring his life into (doing life with). He sent those 12 out to pour into many others, and the ones they poured into reproduced many more. This is Jesus’ Outreach Plan, and we are seeking to use it at The Vine.

So when asked, “what is the Outreach Plan at The Vine?”  The answer is, “I am and You are!”  It only makes sense for disciples to make disciples.

Purpose . . .

This blog will be used to communicate with The Vine and anyone who happens to join in the conversation about God’s Love and how we should respond to His Love by Loving Others.  There will be stories shared of God’s Love being expressed in tangible ways.  There will be stories of opportunities to Love God through Loving Others.  Hopefully what happens here is does not stay here, but challenges each one of us to “get off our donkey” and “GO” to the world God Loves so much and Love them as we Love ourselves.