Sponsor a Boy in Mozambique

At The Vine Church we sponsor a missionary named Sarah Olds (see video below), she works with street boys in Mozambique, Africa.  Mozambique is the poorest country in the world.  For $500 Sarah and Masana, the organization she works with, are able to reconnect these boys with their family.   This money allows for the proper provisions to be provided and support given which increases the chance the family will stay intact.  This is not a situation of giving people fish over and over, but teaching people to fish and sharing God’s love through Jesus.

In the past each of these sponsorships have always been a one time $500 commitment.  We want to extend an invitation to sponsor a boy over the next year.  It is a commitment of $41.50 per month.  You will receive a profile for a child who is part of the ministry there in Mozambique.  He is a street boy who has expressed interest in going home and needs someone to invest in him.

Just think about this…  If your son was living on the streets because they thought they could get a better life there than at home;  what if $500 could bring life change to a family through education, supplies, and the start up of a small business?  Would you do any and everything to get the $500 for your son to come home?  In their world $500 is a lifetime of money.  Many people in Mozambique live off of less than $2 U.S. a day.  In 2008 the per capita income for the country was $900 for the year.  Read that again . . . In 2008 the per capita income for the country was $900 for the year.

If you would like to Sponsor a boy please stop by the Cafe’ at The Vine Church on 10/17, 10/24, or 10/31 and pick up a profile and fill out a connection card for us to follow up with you.  You can also email me if you would like to make a commitment to sponsor one of these boys -jason@connecttothevine.org.   If you prefer you are welcome to make a one time $500 sponsorship gift rather than the 12 month sponsorship commitment of $41.50.

We have a team from The Vine Church headed to Mozambique Feb. 20 – Mar. 1 to check on the ministry there and love on these boys.  Please join us in this effort by sponsoring one of these boys.