The Garden

thegardenthegarden3The Garden serves as a homeless shelter 7 nights a week for women and their children to receive healthy meals, a warm bed but most of all, the Love of the Father.  Daily transportation is provided to The Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children in downtown Atlanta to help with job counseling, computer training, childcare, etc.  At The Garden they pour out the Love of Jesus on these beautiful women as the Lord ministers to their hearts. A service or Bible study is offered nightly in the Sanctuary for the women and children. It is always open to the public and they welcome volunteers to help drive, cook, serve meals and teach. The Garden is totally funded by GOD! and his Children.

The Garden operates under the guidance of Pastor 7 and 7 Bridges to Recovery.

The opportunities for you to serve at The Garden are as BIG and as many as the dreams you can dream.  Contact me and let’s talk about your NEXT step toward serving at The Garden.  If it’s your Cluster Group, your family, or you as an individual.

Are you ready to serve at The Garden?