Nicaragua Mission Trip

As you may know The Vine Church has a couple, Brian and Maggie Brannon, who are committing to a 1 year mission with Amigo’s for Christ in Nicaragua.  There are also a few people who have decided the week of June 23rd – 30th would be a great time to go and work along side them.

Here is the information which was shared with me in an email from Brian and Maggie.  Each person is taking this trip through Amigo’s for Christ but are seeking to go on the same week.

Hey Guys, we are both very excited that you are all still considering the Nica trip for Sat June 23rd – 30th. The groups on trip will be The Vine/Maggie & Brian’s friends, 12Stone Church, Friends of N GA and Buford Presbyterian; because there are several groups…the 20 spots reserved for us are in high demand and we would like to release them asap if they are not going to be filled. Soooo…please respond and let us know if you are IN, OUT or MAYBE. We would like to release some of the spots if they are not going to be used on the Monday after Easter and then WE HAVE TO release all that have not been signed up for on May 1st. Below is some recent information on the trip to consider.

The trip fees are $250, but they DO NOT have to be paid until 30 days before we leave! The option at the end of the sign up is PAY LATER WITH A CHECK, but please sign up and complete all the steps if you definately are going to make the trip.

The Non-Stop Delta flight is $688.00 now.

Other information about the trip is that it’s gonna be awesome and you should come!

God is doing great things through Amigos in Nicaragua and you all deserve to be a part of it. Check out the youtube links below for the last well project we completed and some video from the trip we took in March. Awesome opportunities to serve!!!!!

El Chonco

March Trip

We hope to see you all in June,

Brian & Maggie

If this trip interest you and you would like to sign up please go here

Nicaragua Mission Trip Info Meeting

On April 11th from 7-8 p.m. in the Kidzu Worship Room at The Vine Church there will be an information meeting regarding an upcoming Mission Trip to Nicaragua.  If you would like to learn more about being apart of this trip or if you would like to know more about the work being done in Nicaragua, please plan to attend.  The trip for this summer is planned for June 25 through July 2nd.

The cost is $225 (this includes food, room and board) plus airfare, which is running $450-$700 roundtrip.  Then $100 for spending but that depends on the person.
We will help you in raising funds for this trip, but you need to come to the meeting, gather information and pray about your decision to join the team.

Here is a link to the organization we are working with in Nicaragua.  Amigos for Christ is a 501©3 non profit founded in 1999. They have grown from a small youth group based mission to one that includes thousands of volunteers who are engineers, doctors, nurses, students, moms, dads, and much more.  Over the past few years The Vine Church has had a number of church members and attendees who have connected with Amigos for Christ and we would like to make everyone aware of this wonderful ministry.

Here is a video which will give you a look at the work and mission of Amigos for Christ.

One village at a time . . .

The Vine would like to let you know about an opportunity to serve His people in Central America.  July 4th through the 11th, two members of The Vine community will be traveling to Chinandega, Nicaragua to serve the poor with an organization called Amigos for Christ. Maggie Bowen and James Murphy will be assisting this organization with a clean water project and the construction of a new school building in a developing village. Through these labor projects, the Love of Christ will be shown to the Nicaraguans in word and deed.

In an effort to fight malnutrition and pour education in Nicaragua, Amigos for Christ attempts to feed almost 900 kids a day at several schools in the region. In doing so, they give each child multi-vitamins.  That works out to 180,000 multi-vitamins a year!  We’re challenging you to provide all these vitamins.  The Vine has set a lofty goal, but with the Lord’s help and dedication of the members and regular attendees, we believe this goal can be obtained.  We do serve a God who is Bigger than Malnutrition!!! Our God can help stomp-out Malnutrition one village at a time.

To learn more about the Amigos for Christ go to:

180,000 Vitamins!!!! With approximately 200 attendees at The Vine, if every person provided 900 vitamins we would reach our goal.
An idea of Vitamin Prices to consider…
·        300 count chewable children’s vitamins at Sam’s club approx. $10
·        200 count chewable children’s vitamin at Walmart approx. $12
·        180 count Animal parade multivitamins at $16.49
·        150 count chewable Flintstone vitamins at $17
· does free shipping for orders over $25.00
Amigos suggest the following when buying vitamins….

  • Children’s chewable multi-vitamin
  • Please no gummy vitamins…they melt in the hot Nicaraguan temperatures
  • Any brand name or generic
  • Packages must be unopened.
  • Expiration date of 2010 or later.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me…. ‘Truly I say to you, as you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me”. Matthew 25:35-40

Please call Maggie Bowen at 404-992-2088 or email her at if you have any questions.

There is a box set up in the lobby at The Vine for you to drop off any donations for this project.  Where do you fit in with ending Malnutrition?