Nicaragua Mission Trip Info Meeting

On April 11th from 7-8 p.m. in the Kidzu Worship Room at The Vine Church there will be an information meeting regarding an upcoming Mission Trip to Nicaragua.  If you would like to learn more about being apart of this trip or if you would like to know more about the work being done in Nicaragua, please plan to attend.  The trip for this summer is planned for June 25 through July 2nd.

The cost is $225 (this includes food, room and board) plus airfare, which is running $450-$700 roundtrip.  Then $100 for spending but that depends on the person.
We will help you in raising funds for this trip, but you need to come to the meeting, gather information and pray about your decision to join the team.

Here is a link to the organization we are working with in Nicaragua.  Amigos for Christ is a 501©3 non profit founded in 1999. They have grown from a small youth group based mission to one that includes thousands of volunteers who are engineers, doctors, nurses, students, moms, dads, and much more.  Over the past few years The Vine Church has had a number of church members and attendees who have connected with Amigos for Christ and we would like to make everyone aware of this wonderful ministry.

Here is a video which will give you a look at the work and mission of Amigos for Christ.

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